
1)  How to post an Ad?
Posting an ad on is easy and simple. Just follow these simple steps:

  • Click on “Post an Ad” link in the header.
  • Select a Category to post.
  • Based on your category selection, we will display the form, just fill the details and click on “Post”.

Your ad will appear within a few minutes and remain active for 90 days on We also publicize your ad on our affiliate network.

Note: You can skip Email Id verification by signing in with Facebook account while posting your ad.

2) I have published my ad but why I can’t see it on
Sometimes even after publishing the ad, your ad will be in pending status. This is because our system has suspected your ad as Spam. In this case, your ad will be activated after our rep checks it manually. It may take maximum 24hours.

If you find your ad is in pending status event after 24 hours, please email us at  Our representatives will help you.

The Ads will not publish and delete immediately, in case of ad contain Spam content .

3) How long will my ad be active on
All ads on will remain active for 90 days. Before the ad meets it expiry date, we will send you an email to renew it. Just click on the activation link in that mail to renew it. Otherwise ignore the mail.

4) How can I post a good ad on and get better responses?
To increase the chance of getting good responses, follow these simple tips:
Good title – A good title will attract more people to visit your ad.
Description – Describe the item/service as detailed as possible. Let the buyers know where the item is located and when you will be available.
Images – Upload more images. Our study says, ads with images will get 5 times more responses.
Always use right spellings in your ad to make your it more search friendly.

You can also buy Premium plans for getting more responses.

5) How to Featured my ads

Go to Dashboard and you can see the option featured ads click and featured your listing fro 15 days

6) Can i Refresh or relist my listing

Yes in your account Dashboard there is an option for refresh ad option to relist your listing as fresh for one month @ Cost of $1